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Clipboard01angel food cake

Cut cake into slices about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch thick and dehydrate the same way as bread. Four hours in the dehydrator at 125 degrees should do the trick. The photo at the top shows angel food cake going into my Excalibur Food Dehydrator. Angel food cake dries well because it contains no oil or butter. Cakes made with oil, butter, or egg yolks may spoil on long backpacking trips if not eaten right away due to the high fat content.

I dehydrate angel food cake for backpacking recipes such as Pineapple Up-Side-Down Cake and Trail Angel Cake. Some of the cake absorbs the warm pineapple or strawberry juices and some of it remains crunchy. Drizzle chocolate sauce over it or push it down into some pudding. You’ll find lot of ways to enjoy dried angel food cake.
